Hits: 12338


  1. Registration of all students shall be made during the regular registration period indicated in the Academic Calendar
  2. A pre – registration slip is required for enrollment
  3. Student is considered officially enrolled when he/she paid his/her tuition and other fees and submitted his/her registration form to the registrar
  4. Rules about prerequisite of subjects as stipulated in the curriculum must be followed strictly during enrollment

B. Registration Procedures

  1. Secure Registration Form from the Registrar’s Office and fill it out.
  2. Secure the APPROVAL of load from the Dean.
  3. Proceed to the Registrar’s Office for VALIDATION.
  4. Proceed to the Accounting Office for assessment of fees.
  5. Settle your ACCOUNTS in the Cashier’s Office.
  6. Secure CLASS CARDS from the Registrar’s Office.
    (Please present your official receipt of payment)
  7. Secure I.D. from the Office of Student Affairs.


  1. Late enrolees will be allowed to enrol only within 2 weeks after classes have started.
  2. No student may be allowed inside the classroom without a class card, within 2 weeks after the classes have started.