STEP 1. Go to MC student portal ( and click the admission link.
STEP 2. Enter your personal email address then click submit.
Note: For New, Transferee and Returning students, you can use your personal email address upon admission and
enrolment. Institutional email address will be created and updated in your student portal account once you are officially
STEP 3. Key in/Input the required information then click submit. See the example below.
STEP 4. Key in/Input the Personal Information then click submit.
Note: For those students who don't have middle name leave the middle name field blank.
STEP 5. If you have been diagnosed with a medical condition or with disability, fill out the following fields then click
Note: For those students who don't have medical or disability record, proceed to the next step.
STEP 6. Fill out the Address and Contact information form then click submit.
STEP 7. Key in/Input the Educational Background information then click submit.
STEP 8. Upload the admission requirements then click submit.
Note: Leave the upload of admission requirements blank if you have already submitted the requirements to the
Registrar’s office.
STEP 9. Read the Student Declaration and Applicant Consent, and upon agreement, check the boxes then click submit.
Done! An email will be sent acknowledging the admission request. Wait for the approval.
Note: Once the admission is approved, another email will be sent to notify and to guide you on how to access the MC
Student Portal. (See Example below).